John 14:1, "don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, also trust in Me".
Reading this may sound confusing because it seems like He's saying to believe in two separate persons. Don't feel bad, Phillip was just as confused because in verse 8 he said, "Lord, show us the Father and we will be satisfied". He too thought that the two were separate, but Jesus later said in verse 10 that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him.
Jesus opening with this verse (Or John putting these occasions together, being the author and all) was no coincidence, it was to bring clarity to his disciples as well as to us.
Yes Jesus is the Son of God, but more importantly He is the mirror to God's character, meaning, He represents God in the human form.
Now wait, let me pause there cause I can feel the raised eyebrows and see the confused thoughts.
God is Three in One, God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus represents the Savior, The Mediator, the One that stands in between, He isn't separate from God, He is God in Human and Sonship Form. Likewise the Holy Spirit talked about in verse 17 is described as a Guide to Truth, an Advocate, is God indwelling in us.
In the beginning when God created us, in Genesis 2:7 it says He breathed into the nostrils of men "the breath of life", God being a Spirit, breathed into us His Spirit, apart of Himself into us, but throughout time we lost sight of who we truly were.
Fast forward to John 20 after Jesus's resurrection, He met with His disciples and verse 20 said "He breathed on them".
He gave them back the breath that was lost in the beginning because of Sin. No longer would the Holy Spirit "come upon men" to do a task assigned by God, now the Holy Spirit would reside in man, after receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Jesus showed that He had the same power demonstrated in the beginning to breathe life to make man a living being, only He was making spiritually dead men alive in Him, again, and equipping them with power.
God is so much God that he has distinct personality traits that activates a certain role within Himself. He is Both God the Savior, as He is God the Indweller, as He is God the Father, the Sovereign One. Now the word that comes to mind when personality traits and different roles are in the same sentence is a personality disorder we call Schizophrenia.
No sane person can function in the realm of having different inhabitants within them, even mothers have to give birth to the inhabitants in them after 9 months.
Each part expresses God fully, there isn't any lack or deficiency in either part. This is so because to have the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit means to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, which means to then, again, be in right standing with God the Father. Neither operates independently, but each part is interconnected into One.
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