Sometimes we don't recognize Jesus in our situations. The disciples didn't. Jesus was seen walking on the water coming towards their boat, sounds cool...awesome. But there was a storm taking place with strong winds.
Inviting Jesus into our stormy places isn't hard because we're afraid He won't show up, though that is the case sometimes, but rather because we're just unsure as to when He's gonna show up.
Jesus could have been there since the very beginning, calm the winds and transported them to their final destination within seconds, instead He waited at the last minute, let’s see why.
Several things to take away from John 6:16-21:
Jesus had no issues getting to them. There was no mention of the winds holding Him up, because He walked on it, so that couldn’t have been the reason.
They (being the disciples) had to keeping rowing despite how the storm looked. It seemed long, but they kept pushing.
It was windy, so I can only imagine that it was also hard to see, but they saw clearly enough to recognize that Jesus was there.. coming towards them.
There response to seeing Jesus was nothing grand, they were afraid, yet it was enough for Him to respond, tenderly to them.
After seeing and Hearing Him, they were glad to invite Him in, and what happened afterwards is in verse 21.
Jesus acknowledged their effort to press through and He met them.
He wasn't disappointed in their cry of fear but He comforted them.
The voice of Jesus made a difference in their emotions. It took them from a place of fear to gladness where they could let Him in.
I don’t know how long three or four miles is, but I can only imagine the disciples feeling as if the end must be far away; based on what was in front. They didn’t see Jesus coming, it began to get dark and the waters got rough, yet they kept rowing. Moments like this reminds me that Jesus takes notice of our small efforts of determination, and when we’ve come to our wits end, He comes in and help.
I'm no scholar but here's what I think, I think He knew they had it in them to keep rowing those extra miles and I also believe that the moment He showed Himself, the moment He showed up, was to reward the disciples by doing what they took 3-4 miles to do, arrive speedily.
Personal song that I like to listen to and that inspired this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3vuxpMKUM
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