Happy Friday Everyone, so the thought for the day: Breathe! Not the negative connotation that is going around with loosing your breath, but breathe to remember. Often times I am too guilty of overlooking the small steps I’ve made because I have “ bigger” goals I haven’t scratched the surface of yet. And though that can be a good thing to keep in mind to not be complacent, sometimes we (I) just need a break to take in all that we’ve accomplished so far. Remember the thing You did that you didn’t know you would accomplish, or the time you finally spoke up for yourself, the moment you finally got honest with others and yourself, those are to be celebrated just as much if not more than the Big stuff. That may sound skeptical but those small moments of momentum that you are building in your daily life, is the same fuel that will help you get to the bigger things. I know we celebrate the arrival, but take time to appreciate the process being made and those you have made.
#Breathing=Remembering #Congratulations